i dont believe there is a heaven, nor do i believe in reincarnation. in my opinion, those are just stories, fables, myths. in my opinion, you die, you decay. you become food for things that dwell underground. (which, as a result one could get technical and say that
that is reincarnation in its purest form, but i dont want to take this monologue in that particular direction) however, my mind was wandering the other day, and i had a really neat thought; an idea that i dont necessarily feel i could validate as a personal belief or philosophy, but a neat idea nontheless.
it came to my mind in the waking thoughts i had about the dream described below.
what if when you die, you become a part of a dream?
and perhaps, its not just "a" dream, but
the dream. one vast dream that is a web of a giant subconscious. a subconscious composed of the underminds of the entire human race.
ever wonder about some of those people who inhabit your dreams? youve never seen them before, never heard their voice before - yet those random characters you find in your dreams talk to you, touch you, introduce you to new ideas, chase you down in adrenaline-charged manhunts, fall in love with you, and partake in interaction naturally found in the conscious life.
its interesting to propose that they are people who once were actually
alive. the deceased live on, after their deaths, by living dream to dream - keeping their souls charged by always being a part of someone's sleeping head.
perhaps tonight, if i can, if i run into someone while im sleeping, ill ask them where they came from.